The Amityville Club has a new "permanent" home!
In the Summer of 2021, Michelle's 110 Diner in Amityville, experienced a horrible fire. Obviously we were no longer able to have our meetings there. Until a consistent temporary home was approved by the membership at large, in the interim, we were graciously hosted by St. Mary's Church in Amityville Village.
Our new home (hopefully, permanent) is now Dominican Village (main building) at 565 Albany Avenue, Amityville. All are welcome to join us on Thursdays at 8AM at Dominican Village for our weekly Rotary Club meetings.
And, especially for those who have difficulty attending our morning meetings, instead of a morning meeting we now meet once a month for dinner in the evening on the last Thursday, 6:30 PM, at Raimo's Italian Restaurant. It is located in the strip mall at the SW corner of Merrick Road and Ketcham Avenue in Amityville.
Join us! Our meetings promise to be exciting times of exchanging ideas, helping our community, fellowshipping with one another and of course, sharing great meals together!
(For the time being, if you are not a member and wish to attend a meeting, please call Kevin at 516-659-3489 to confirm our meeting place.)